Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lesson learned

I fell off the wagon last night. Well actually the last couple of nights. I am kicking myself. In AA they tell you to pick yourself up and dust off and jump back on the wagon. Dont beat yourself up for it. Its bound to happen. So I was expecting it, and also not expecting it at the same time.

I did not drink to the point of intoxication though. Just enough to get tipsy. And a little slurred. Not that it really makes a difference. The goal is to not drink anything. But, I am holding my head high today. I know that I made a mistake and its not a major one. I didn't do anything harmful in a drunken stupor. Today is a new day, and that is what I am focusing on.

"Think BIG, there are unseen forces ready to support your dreams."
-Cheryl Richardson

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