Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I have been meaning to blog daily. A six day gap is hardly everyday.

I had a great talk with Kylee. We went for a walk and I explained how hard it was for me to get over to see her often. She's been thinking that I'm making excuses not to come over. Like when my car broke down. Or an unforeseen appointment came up. I also have to build a wall to separate a large bedroom into two. That way Damon and I wont have to share a room any longer.

My nephew came to help me, and somehow managed to cut all the studs a half inch too short. So, I don't know yet whether I want to put up a wall that is short, or go buy new studs? I'm leaning for the short wall. I'll just tack the hell outta the sides instead of the ceiling and cover the gap with trim.

Before building the wall, I discovered I had to lay a new floor (It was rotting). I also got some carpets to lay down in three (maybe four) rooms. AND paint for most of the house. SO, I have my work cut out for me.

Back to work......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to say I came by your blog and found it interesting. I hope you can stay sober and that you'll be able to get your kids back.